Welcome to the Whitehawk and Marina ward page, a dedicated space for residents to keep in touch with their Whitehawk and Marina representatives, both in Brighton and Hove City Council and the House of Commons.
Gill and David are your elected local representatives for Whitehawk and Marina, and are happy to help with any local issues arising, from missed bin collections to potholes and pavements. They will advocate for residents and represent your views at council meetings, so do get in touch with issues that you would like them to raise on your behalf.
Alternatively you can contact Gill or David directly, using the details below:
07704 314864
07745 742044
Lloyd is your elected representative at Westminster, and has been serving as MP for Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven since his election in 2017. Constituents can contact Lloyd with any issues: immigration, housing, benefit queries, or for support in standing up to discrimination or inaction. Lloyd is proud to represent all his constituents, both in Brighton and in the House of Commons.
01273 550121