
Conversion Practices (Prohibition) Bill

On the 1st March 2024 the House of Commons will get a chance to debate and possibly vote on the bill to ban Conversion practices.

The final version is available from the House of Commons website from the evening of the 23rd February, this will include a full set of explanatory notes. All further documents about the bill will be available on the House of Commons website here: https://bills.parliament.uk/bills/3545/publications

Download the final version here: Conversion Practices (Prohibition) Bill v7

If you have suggestions of comments please get in contact using the form on the bill page. click here to go to the bill page.

The explanatory notes will be available on the House of Commons website on 26th February but the final draft version downloaded here: Conversion Practices – Explanatory Notes v6 or can be seen here:

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