A new website, now lets grow!

As November passes, the exciting, and long awaited news of our new website has arrived and its launch has been completed. While there’s still a lot of work to do, getting all the information up there, this website, should be the place for you to find out everything Woodcraft. From renewing your membership, checking who had paid for your groups or camp online to just checking up on the news or our online resources we hope that you find this method of communication useful.

General Council is committed to better communication with our members. That is why every General Council member has been linked with a group so that we can keep in contact. We hope that this will bring on a new era of General Council – grass routes relations that will help our movement sustain and grow, councillors will aim to contact you either by email or phone at least once a term and they are there to be your sign posts when you need a place to go or just a sounding board.

We recognise we can’t stay as we are, but that change should be a strengthening not weakening of our core values. While often people espouse of growth this should not be just through national exciting projects (we hope to do them as well) but through exciting new groups and bigger older groups. Woodcraft needs to respond the growing political and social climate and we should be best placed to build our movement for positive change in this country. Put it quite simply if we don’t react we will not last very long.

We have seen over 50,000 students, lectures and school pupils march in London against rising fees and the austerity in education. This is only the beginning, and I was proud to see many young Woodcraft members making their voice heard on these important matters. We must position ourselves as a creditable voice of resistance, non-party political, our politics can be more powerful than ever and now is the time to start.

We need your help, to spread the message, if you have ever thought of opening a new group up, expanding your district or getting involved in some of the national working groups now is the time. Maybe you know someone who has been thinking about getting back involved… …well pick up the phone and make it happen today. You can see on the General Council page and report from Carly Walker-Dawson, the contacts for you to get involved.

Getting involved, cooperating for success is what we are all about and that is why I am not only proud that the NUJ (National Union of Journalists) London branch has recently voted to promote us and work with us on Co-Camp I am exciting about the thought of other trade unions coming on board with Co-Camp to make it a true international festival of cooperation. Cooperation and solidarity is the core of the trade union movement and if you are in a local union, why not get them to support our work or your local group. Maybe your group can go a visit a local Union branch and you can put on a joint activity. Maybe as part of your education in your weekly group you can do work about how trade unionism (a fundamental human right) is being abused around the world.

This political education must be bigger than one ideology, one march or one link to a trade union. We have it in our power to change the world, or more accurately we have it in our power to help children and young people change the world and I hope that this year, we not only see many of you at Co-Camp (reduced fee booking deadline at the end of the year by the way) but also that we see you making links locally for solidarity and for growth.

In Friendship


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