Concerns raised at increasing traffic if incinerator is expanded

Labour’s Candidate for MP in Newhaven has raised concerns that the proposed expansion of the Newhaven Incinerator could increase Traffic in Newhaven.

Mr Lloyd Russell-Moyle has written to the County Council and to the Operators of the incinerator seeking assurances for the expansion and seeking greater investment in Newhaven to alleviate our already crowded roads.

He wrote in the Sussex Express this week:

For the Newhaven/Seaford Edition of the Sussex Express.

Dear Editor

I am writing about my concern at the planning application from Veolia to expand operations at the incinerator in Newhaven. The application was put in at the end of the year, and I believe that many people are unaware of its consequences. It would allow Veolia to accept waste from further afield and is worrying because of the nature of the already congested roads in Newhaven and the ongoing effect that the incinerator has on the well being of people who live in Newhaven. Many residents may not know that Veolia only uses around 140 of the almost 230 allocated HGV “movement” slots per day. Whilst the application “only” predicts an extra 8 HGVs trundling through Newhaven a day, 60% increase of current movements is permitted without going back to the planners.

One resident said to me: “The traffic is already bad in Newhaven from increased lorries going to the incinerator. If we take rubbish from the French, which has always been Veolia’s plan (as a French company), then the bridge would have to open more often and make matters worse”.

In the application Veolia state that bringing waste from further afield will allow for bulk-heading (ie collating the waste off site and bringing it in all in at once) but the latest Network Rail review of Sussex foresees only one train a day to the site and no increase up until 2030, so it looks as if the roads and town will suffer the burden of this increase.

For too long Newhaven has been abandoned by the political classes, surely it is time to draw a line in the sand and look at ways to develop Newhaven for the greater good of those that live here.

Lloyd Russell-Moyle
Labour’s candidate for MP in Newhaven

The planning application can be seen here:

Vía Blog – Lewes Labour Party

Source: New feed

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