General Strike of 30th November 2011

Download the Chair’s letter to members about the General Strike 30-11-11

Dear members and supporters,

We write to you in the week of the largest strikes that the UK has seen for many years, which are planned to take place on Wednesday 30th November. While these events in the last year have become more common it does not reduce our resolve to help our young people stand my workers and our Trade Union comrades from around the country. No body likes strikes but it is understandable while many members are striking at a time of great cuts, and injustice. They are striking for the very poorest in society and many of our young members will understandably be wanting to take a stand with them.

The Woodcraft Folk, as one of the only progressive youth organisations in the UK, wants to make sure that we are supporting our young people taking actions of conscience in supporting their parents, friends and fighting for their future. No young person should have to undermine legal and legitimate industrial action by crossing any picket line and we will be supporting all our members who take a stand to protect their future.

We want to be able to support our members taking action and make sure that young people get their voices heard. It is equally important they are given the space to discuss why many public sector workers feel it necessary to take this action and how, if they choose to do so, our young people can take action to support them.

Many members will be aware of the fantastic Right to Strike pack which we produced at the last national strike in June and we are re-releasing it with an additional set of activities relevant to the present issues.

On the day many of our members will be taking action themselves and this is a perfect opportunity to talk about industrial action in your groups.

If you have time on the day we encourage groups to organise activities alongside picket lines for children and young people that may not be in school. You may wish to involve singing, parachute games or even discussions and solidarity actions. We encourage our members and all our groups to use the 30th November to pro-actively build links with our friends in the Trade Union movement and educate our young people in strengthening those historical links at this historic time.

In solidarity , Blue Skies

Lloyd Russell-Moyle
Chair of the General Council

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