I am deeply concerned for the funding of our NHS. I am a passionate defender of and tireless campaigner for a publicly-owned National Health Service, that is funded properly to offer a world class service to all, from the cradle to the grave.
Myself and Labour colleagues did indeed make representations to the Chancellor in advance of the Autumn Budget, and while he did pledge more funding for the NHS, it is not nearly enough.
We must continue to keep the pressure up on this government to give our health service the funding and resources it needs.
Since my election I have had meetings with the local CCGs, the RSCH Hospital Liaison Group, the East Sussex Local Pharmaceutical Committee, and local GPs to see how we can improve our local NHS services. He has signed EDM 152 calling for the retention of full public ownership of NHS Professionals, and EDM 450 calling for an end to the pay cap imposed on public sector workers like our nurses. I am proud to have marched with nurses and public sector workers at the #ScrapTheCap protest in Parliament Square.
I have been campaigning against the creeping privatisation of this nation’s most treasured institution – our National Health Service – for years, and will continue to take this fight to the government. I have been working with the Campaign for the NHS Reinstatement Bill, and have signed the #NHSTakeback pledge.
I will continue to work tirelessly to defend our NHS from further cuts and privatisation, and hold this government to account.
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