Non-Directive Mediation

Thinking about the effectiveness of different tactics of mediation is an important skills for the conflict resolution practitioner.

This week we looked at non-directive mediation, there is some dispute about the effectiveness compared to more directive techniques, but the facilitator outlined that he felt that it was important to understand that practice  non-directive methods before we start to explore other methods.

Although some of the literature talks of the disadvantages of non-directive mediation there are also clear disadvantages of the ethical nature of the use of more directive mediation. In essence the difference is  the outcome or the process as a priory of the process. This is something that I have discussed before and will touch on later (when I look in more details in directive mediation techniques.)

For now I want to consider the mediation process principled that are important. in Moore’s Book “the Mediation Process“he says:

Mediation is generally defined at the intervention in a negotiations or a conflict of an acceptable third party who has limited or no authoritative dedication-making power, who assists the involved parties to voluntary reach a mutually acceptable settlement of the issues in dispute.

In the simulation, considering these foundations of the mediation process and also making sure that the mediators are taking a non directive approach (let me explain that: by non-directive I mean that the approach is not to direct the parties to an outcome but to facilitate a space of trust though the parties allowing to say that they want. the mediators act a facilitators with a clear agenda, making sure that there is no value put on one outcome or contribution over an other.)

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