As October roles on… …thoughts on our world and our work

As October rushes by, Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Chair of General Council, pauses to think about black history, war, refugees and the campaigns that make Woodcraft relevant.

Black History Month
As October roles on so do the exciting activities of our movement. Many of our groups have been celebrating and remembering Black History as part of the ongoing Black History Month celebrations in October. Black History Month in containing the Diwali festival will be partly about celebration and many of our groups will using this opportunity for cultural and Black education. Much of black history is also about the fight for liberation against, all too often, white western powers and much of the pack sent out by our Open and Accessible working group focuses on that fight, I hope it will be useful in your groups.

Stop the War Demo
Imperial ambitions from the west have not gone away, now as ever motivated by greed and oil. This month also sees a national demonstration against the UK’s continued occupation of Afghanistan. I hope that members will be joining me and other Woodies at the demo. We will be meeting at the round café in Hyde Park at 12noon on the 24th October, we welcome families and children to march with us, playing games and singing for peace along the route.

Asylum Seekers and Refugees
Wars and conflict have horrific effects on young people, who can be faced with the only prospect of fleeing their homes. That is why I’m proud of our national campaign voted for by young people. It will be focused on Refugees and Asylum Seekers. All too often asylum seekers fleeing real danger and persecution are treated in the most disgraceful manor by our government. Where our groups reach out to including young asylum seekers, supporting families and campaigning for better treatment of our fellow human beings, they are making a real difference to people’s lives.

There is far too much activity for me to put down here camping season maybe over but we have the national Venturer Camp conference to look forward to as well as the continued work in our groups and districts in the build up to Yule and winter solstice.

in peace, Blue Skies

Chair of General Council

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