Report for Unoin Council

Well what a year it has been, we have had a stronger Welcome week, a packed programme and more engagement. I want to draw councillors attention to three things.

National Union of Students and Elections

We have just had the elections of the National Union of Students Delegates as well as other positions, I think that these went well and I want to extend my thanks to the fantastic team that ran the elections.

From the elections it was quite clear that most of Bradford’s delegates are sceptical, if not out right against the recent proposed changes. I would like to make sure that council is aware of this and when the time comes is prepared to put in amendments to make the proposals better. I hope that council will support our delegates in putting these changes forward.

I also note that after the Extra-Ordinary Conference we will have a referenda for NUS, I intend to convene an elections committee to help run that elections and expect to hold it before the new year.

Trustee Board and Honorary Treasurer

The Union has been re-modelling the way it run so that we are more efficient. I have been very keen to make sure that we make no statutory changes to how we operate and that we enshrine the principle of Students running the Union. We have moved towards the executive holding monthly meetings which deal with staffing and strategy issues. These minutes will be presented to you and are put with the executive reports. The meetings are held under the rules for Executive meetings but with particular agenda items.

It is however the case that we have an external Hon. Treasurer, this is so that there is internal and external controls. At present it is Nick Buck is due to retire at the end o f the year and the Union has put two names forward they are Simon Croll (former sabbatical of UBU and now head of the HUB) and Graham Hill (Friend of the Union and Lead for many project boards). The University will present the agreed candidate and these will have to be agreed by both the Union and University Councils.

Financial Control

Over the last few years the Union has been lax with its financial controls, due to fire fighting. This year is no different but we are expected to make short fall. It is therefore vital that we make cost savings as well as keeping a strong control on the Budgets. This year I have set up a process of budget setting, trying to devolve the setting down to departments who will report back to the Finance and Scrutiny committee for final approval.

Our accounts are in the process of being signed off and by the end of the year Council will have then to ask questions and present before the next General Meeting.

If you have any questions then please either phone me on 07899 785 265 or email

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