Day two – going beyond two genders.

Well what an interesting day.

I haven’t got long, but for those who are following me on twitter I hope that you have a bit of a feeling of what is happening here.

We have had a pro-life protest at the gates of the conference in the morning and then at the opening ceremony a jerry springer style intervention from indigenous youth and young people giving a statement about how Mexico undermines their rights! It was fantastic – the compare asked the young person to leave it and not keep talking at which time the audience shouted CONTINUE, CONTINUE and cheered as she battled with the compare to finisher her statement – very exciting.

The rest of the day was busy but solid.

I detail the text that we have a first draft on with Gender bellow and them am off to bed as its 1 am here! The group was great, really talking about going beyond gender and smashing the identities that bind us.

Draft Gender Equality: World Youth Forum

We have grouped our recommendations around two thematic areas being handling and prevention. We see these as handling- The development of policies aimed at tackling the effects of gender inequalities when they appear. Prevention- Refers to the development of long-term strategies aimed at eliminating gender inequality.

PREVENTION: Refers to the development of long-term strategies aimed at eliminating gender inequality.

Provide comprehensive gender education at all levels that develop critical thinking skills.

Strongly recommend that all young people are guaranteed sexual reproductive and relationship education.

Gender policies should be reorganized and implemented within a multi-discrimination perspective.

Section 24: Promote the greater involvement of men, young men and boys in measures aimed to prevent all forms of discrimination, sexual and reproductive health in societies and violence against women and achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women; especially young women.

Section 26: Promote the participation of young women in political, social and economic activities and the elimination of barriers that limit their full participation to society.

HANDLING: The development of policies aimed at tackling the effects of gender inequalities when they appear.

Provide financial and technical support and services for young parents.

Develop and implement legal frameworks to address gender-based violence (including those who are trans) and provide legal and social services to support vulnerable groups when necessary.

Governments should partner with Media and civil society to develop a mechanism to prevent the objectification of people’s gender identity; particularly those that promote gender violence

Governments should recognize LGBT as part of the spectrum of gender identity and ensure that young people that identify themselves as such have their human rights upheld; as outlined in the Yogyakarta principles

Governments must develop and implement national plans to comply with international and regionally agreed-upon frameworks (i.e. CEDAW, Beijing, Cairo, Belem fo Para).

The development and recognition (by the international community) of a gender definition that encompasses all gender identities (i.e. men, women and trans) and provides all people full access and enjoyment to their rights. Particularly, all gender perspectives should be included throughout this document.

Recognize that there is diversity within women themselves and therefore women should be provided specific support they require (i.e. migrant women, indigenous women and women in poverty).

Ensuring that gender discrimination does not impact full access to sexual and reproductive rights and services.

Governments need to refocus their efforts on achieving MDG 5 (Maternal health); particularly; MDG 5(b) to ensure reduction in deaths related to maternal mortality.

Guarantee that gender identities do not impact on the ability to acquire and sustain decent work.

(on another note I only managed to make one Mexican cry after she said “mentioning LGBT discriminates against heterosexuals” I said, “no you are just wrong and I am not going to talk about it when you clearly have no idea” – well she didn’t! – its all better now though – I hope)

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