Tag: Peace Studies

  • Nobel Peace Prize

    Just a quick note about the Nobel Peace Prize. Today they announced that the winner for the 2009 prize will be Barack Obama a president of the USA who has been in post for less than a year and was only in office for two months before he was nominated. This is an interesting choice…

    Read more: Nobel Peace Prize
  • Bradford hosts: War-refusers – the other Israel

    On Monday 9th March about 40 Students gathered to hear Tamar Katz talk about her experiences being jailed for refusing to fight in the Israeli army. Tamar, a high school student, was drafted in to the army but told her story about how a group of school students and her joined a small but growing…

    Read more: Bradford hosts: War-refusers – the other Israel
  • Songs for Palestine

    Last night I want to the Topic Folk Club, the oldest surviving folk club in the world. It was a great night, as always, and enjoyable. I would recommend that anyone around on a Thursday head off to the IDL – Bradford Irish Club and enjoy the night. At the night, John Waller sang a…

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  • Bradford Students sit in for Gaza

    Yesterday after a peaceful demonstration outside the library and a walk to the Vice Chancellors office just under 100 students (see in the photo on the right) decided to occupy the University Boardroom. This action was taken by the students after they felt that the University had not fulfilled the demands laid out both by…

    Read more: Bradford Students sit in for Gaza
  • Freedom next time revealing a global “double speak”

    I have just finished reading “Freedom – next time” by John Pilger, in this book he reviles the global lies that the media have told and the cover ups – started by government agencies and reviled by noble whistle blowers, court actions and other leaks. The war with Gaza started and while I was reading…

    Read more: Freedom next time revealing a global “double speak”
  • Reflection

    I’m finishing of my reflection of my conflict resolution course which I take. Does reflection work? The course that uses many of the methods that would be used in traditional non-formal educational systems. My content thought is can you use non-formal methods in the formal systems of University or structured state education. Does formalising non…

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