Well the time has come for the final push – so I went along to the Western European Governments meeting to see how we can move along.
The final draft (still to be agreed with minor amendments) was presented and we went line by line.
What is clear is that the governments are as pissed off at the Mexican organisation are we are. One delegate from an International organisation said to me it had been the worst conference they had ever been to” while a Mexican young person said “It makes me ashamed to be Mexican”.
In the opening ceremony the Mexican government forgot to ask the Minister from Brazil to come and speak in spite of him being on the programme. Name badges have gone missing and drafts are unclear and “democratically” written only by the Mexicans.
We have been working on the final draft. There is a general weakening of the document but some good points such as recognise the “plurality of kinds of families” and ” supporting and mandating the UN inter-agency network on youth development”.
I’m off to bed but ill try and blog before too late in the morning tomorrow.
Check out http://icmyo.wordpress.com/2010/08/22/world-youth-conference-holding-the-youth-rights-banner-high/ and other http://icmyo.wordpress.com/ for the full run down of the documents presented to conference.
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