Discrimination against trans students – passed

The motion that last night got passed is passed bellow, this is a real step in the right direction, at last the union is responsive to the needs of the minority’s I’m chuffed seeing the problems that this motion faced when it was originally before council that we got this though, thanks to everyone that turned up despite the farce that was council , unelected, refusing students voting rights, I think that it not only showed badly on council but left people unhappy with the process, a good day but shameful display from councillors.

This Union Notes:

  1. That trans people are widely discriminated against facing ignorance, harassment and sometimes violence.
  2. Bradford trans students have voiced their concern regarding the lack of awareness and recognition of their identities and acceptance of their needs.
  3. Sex, biologically, is not a straight forward issues and similarly gender is not binary.
  4. That Union and University policy prohibits discriminations based on gender or other relevant distinctions.
  5. That the Sex Discrimination Act 1976 makes its unlawful to discriminate against gender and the Sex Discrimination Regulations 1999 make it unlawful to discriminate against people intending or undergoing gender reassignment.
  6. Trans (for example gender queer, intersex or transsexual) students are often forced to use gender neutral accessible toilets while on campus and were these do not exist (such as in Colours) are forced to used gender specific facilities.
  7. That present Union and University forms discriminate against people who cannot define as a binary distinction of either male or female and are forced to at present complete forms inaccuracy.

This Union Believes:

  1. Gender is self-defined, not physically assigned, as the latter would be a denial of existence of trans students and a contravention of union policy.
  2. Confining gender to a binary distinction discriminates against students unable to define as only either male or female.
  3. That people have the right to live according to their gender identity, free from discrimination and harassment.

This Union Resolves:

  1. To condemn transphobia and discrimination on ground of gender identity.
  2. To be aware of the ways in which selecting gender neutral words actively contribute to promoting equality and inclusiveness.
  3. To increase education and awareness by:
    1. Running a campaign highlighting the position of trans students and issues around gender identity.
    2. Providing training on trans issues for all staff and officers of the union
    3. Coordinating training and education with the university and its staff.
  4. To allow students to self-define on union forms.
  5. To support trans students in their right to use gendered toilets in line with their gender definition.
  6. To, when redeveloping the union, provide facilities that are required by trans students.
  7. Request that the University also follow these guidelines and campaign to this end if the request is refused.
  8. That executive actively implements all resolves with the coordination by the Women’s Sabbatical Officer and the LGBT officer who should report back on progress to council.

Proposed: Lloyd Russell-Moyle (UBU LGBT Officer)

Seconded: Sophia Coles-Riley (Uni of Bradford LGBT society political secretary)

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