UBU Insider – Febs Column for Kinetic

Sitting here in the bar, I‘m pretending to do my work. Despite having a deadline tomorrow, I’ve turned to writing this month’s column for Kinetic. Well, there’s been some major changes to the university since the last issue. Shearbridge Green has been eaten up by the giant lizard they call Godzilla and the atrium has at last opened.

There have been some changes to your union too, we are getting some new luxury sofas in Escape, and from June, Carling will be off the menu. We now look forward to a cheaper Carlsberg for your drinking and financial pleasures. Not all the changes have been welcome; I’m still recovering from the fact that Hobnob has been cancelled on the FND rotation, to be replaced by the ever popular Block Party-now every week, twice a week. The FND now leaves me wanting. I’m promised that it will get better and at least shots are cheaper so I don’t have to remember the evenings!

February has been the LGBT* history month. You may have seen those posters: did you know that Shakespeare was bisexual or that Florence Nightingale liked to swing both ways. Great people have been gay, bisexual, lesbian or trans and to recognise this history we will host an exhibition in March. It is important that in the fight for equality we don’t exclude people or hide behind our ‘culture’, instead we must unite.

I believe strongly that we must fight for people’s right to choose how they live their lives. Freedom for a woman to chose what she wears without government, cultural and society’s interference. The right for someone to live with whoever they want regardless of gender, and support for all students regardless of where they are from is vital. Equality for all students can only be assured if protection and support is provided for all at the campus.

This month has also seen climate change hit the agenda big time; I do ask myself why in the union shop they still offer me a plastic bag for a single bar of chocolate. How loud to I have to shout ”I DON’T NEED A BAG with that!” A lot has changed but a lot more needs to be done, staff in the bars, shop and union officers are fighting for change but it doesn’t always come easy.

This year we are set to suffer hard times financially and the union is still failing to meet all students’ needs. I believe that we have the chance to make ours a leading union for the 21st century but we need to improve our facilities, our bars, and our non-alcoholic spaces. We need to develop what we offer and what we do. We can only do that with you. It is your union and we are your servants, use us, and together we can make your union truly student centred again.

Hope to see you all soon

Lloyd Russell-Moyle

LGBT* Officer


* LBGT – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans

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